Sunday, April 26, 2015

IC-9100 Transverter Input Modification

I drilled holes in my nice new Icom IC-9100.  This modification brings the path from Tx/Rx relay to Rx out to SMA connectors.  With a jumper across the SMAs, the radio works as before, but it also enables a transverter to feed the receiver directly without risk of damage from the transmitter.

The SMA bulkhead connectors mount using 2-56 screws into tapped holes in the casting.

The bulkhead connector originally had semirigid coax soldered in, but pulled that off and resoldered it with UG-141 teflon coax. At the other end, mounted Taiko Denki TMP-K01X-A1 connectors, the same ones used by Icom for the internal jumpers.  Those are available on Ebay.  They normally use a crimp, but had no problem soldering them after some careful work stripping with an Xacto knife.

The original cable is tie-wrapped in place to allow restoration to original condition (except for the small tapped holes.